“When we start to wake up, the first thing we think is ... now what?”

Change is constant.
Sometimes we initiate it and other times it happens to us.
But the most magical changes come when something wakes up inside of us. We just know we want to take a big Leap.
But, we get stuck between the waking and the Leap. We are frozen in the “now what?”. I get it.
You might be stuck in the “now what” cycle if these sound familiar:
With each Leap coaching session, you can start closing the gap between waking and Leaping with:
Access to your soul and your purpose – yup, we’ll just dive right in.
A very clear understanding of what’s driving you forward and what’s holding you back.
Customized action items that will close the gap between waking up and taking your Leap.
A Roadmap check, so you continue to move closer to your personal goal.
A stronger connection to your soul, body and intuition – all paths that lead to taking the Leap.
Using intuition, intellect and ancient wisdom, you will learn how to discern and understand the gaps between soul and science in your life (your awakening), how to determine what’s true for you and put a plan into place that feels right.
If Leap speaks to you, I invite you to join me. Now, more than ever, the world needs the whole you.
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