“We crave fluidity and moving through our 24/7 wired day with purpose, energy and fulfillment”

The truth is that traditional life-work balance programs aren't very helpful for the most sensitive among us. We need soulful solutions, not intellectual ones.
Understanding your own energy force and what impacts it is key. Everything has energy – and in each moment, with each interaction, you are either being energized or your energy is being further depleted. This can sometimes impact your body, your mind or your soul.
When your very own energy force is out of balance in your body, mind and soul, it sometimes resembles this:
Energy coaching is an alternative to traditional life-work balance. With each session, we can explore:
Greater insight into what is energizing you and what is draining you.
1-3 practical solutions you can start testing out at work and at home.
If you are a leader, a better understanding of how your energy might be impacting your team and your leadership.
Increased awareness of mindfulness tools that may help increase your energy.
A greater connection to your body and your own intuition, which is key to making quick Energy decisions at work and at home.
If when reading the above you recognized yourself, I invite you to say out loud one of the most important, loving statements that my teacher Donna invited me to say from the very beginning of my journey. “That’s interesting.” And just sit with it.
If Energy speaks to you, I invite you to join me. Now, more than ever, the world needs the whole you.
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